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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, 2011 - The Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, BC

After spending the morning in Stanley Park, i drove my way to the University of British Columbia on the west coast of the city. After reading a couple books on Vancouver i had to pick a handful of things to see since i only had one full day. Since it was hazy, that eliminated my chances of stunning panoramic views from the northern mountains. The perfect place to spend the afternoon was the Museum of Anthropology located on the campus of UBC. Please note that there were a lot more rooms of artifacts that i didn't get pictures of, mostly because it was too dark. There are artifacts from all over the world. I did take more video of the museum than pictures. There was also a Ceramics Gallery that i skipped.

Read more about the museum.

Some pretty flowers next to the parking lot.

This guy, the carved 'Imich Siiyem' figure greets you as you approach the entrance.

This is looking down the hall from the front lobby to the glass room.

Back in the glass room. I did read a lot of the info on these but don't remember it now. If you want to know more about the details, i highly recommend visiting the museum or finding it out on their website if possible.


"The Raven and the First Men" sculpture is one of the most famous.

This map shows the traditional territories of the Native Americans.

This wicker motorcycle was for sale in the gift shop. I think it was a mere $6000 or something like that. Gee whiz, just what everybody really didn't know that they wanted or needed, huh?

These guys were on the way to the outdoor exhibits.

This is the back of the museum, the glass room side.

First Nations totem poles and Haida houses.

A mound behind the museum.

The museum as seen from the mound.

The village as seen from the mound.

More pretty flowers on the trail back to the truck.

Close ups of the totems on the trail to the outdoor village.

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